Be like John Stockton, make others successfulStockton was #1 in the NBA for assistsAug 8, 2021Aug 8, 2021
Resumes are baitI am not in HR, a recruiter, or even a super user. That said, I was on the recruiting team at a Big 4 consulting, and we…Jul 6, 2021Jul 6, 2021
Eustress (good stress) in consultingConsulting has so many merits, but let’s also not be Pollyanna about it. . . it can also be a grind. . .travel, hotels, messed up data…Jun 28, 2021Jun 28, 2021
Strategy in 6 icons in 60 minutesWhen is the last time you heard the word “strategy” or “strategic?” They are common words and largely misunderstood. While strategy is…Jun 21, 2021Jun 21, 2021
Change Management: Head +Heart +HandAfter reading Switch (affiliate link) by the Heath brothers, I am convinced that successful consulting projects must appeal to the head…Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021